How to rapidly increase the power to the house

Impotence is a total or a partial lack of erection. With time, it is in most men, after 30 years of age, begins to deteriorate. According to the statistics, somewhere around 66% of male persons, there are problems, or they have been in the past. However, in some cases, you can quickly get the power to the house.

problems with the power

Vascular cause of impotence

The essence of erection lies in the filling of the penis with blood. There is such a disease as erectile dysfunction. In medicine, it is interpreted as a lack of hyperemia of the sexual organ for the implementation of the sexual act. There is, however, an important point. Very often, there are situations where the man is tired, overworked, and in these cases also problems with sex. The only difference is that it is in the normal state.

In most cases, the cause of impotence is damage to the blood vessels of the penis. To check the health of the vessels, which proceed as follows. Before going to bed on the body of a member in a state of relaxation upon layers of paper tape. If in the morning, it has been found that this tape is lost, it is to witness night-time erection. Therefore, problems with the blood vessels not.

The husband should have the night mode or morning erection. He says that he is in good health, the vessels are well passable, and the current problems are temporary and non-hazardous nature.

The development of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a process system. It at the same speed goes on all the vessels in the body. The board of trustees of the arteries located in the penis, have a very small diameter. Vessels of large hands, feet, and neck in three times their diameter. Accordingly, if man has evolved to atherosclerosis, the first thing that will suffer from the small vessels.

There is a medical statistics, according to which, men who have impotence, there is a high probability to achieve over the next five years, myocardial infarction. The main advice is to visit a cardiologist and check your cholesterol levels in the blood (the ratio of high-density lipoprotein). Apart from that, you need to do an ULTRASOUND of the great vessels of the head and neck.

The reception of acetylsalicylic acid

Aspirin is able to reduce the viscosity of the blood, which alerts the bonding of platelets in the vessels. The process of erection is directly connected with the filling up of blood from the penis. In addition, men suffering from erectile dysfunction or impotence have a whole lot of chances to get some kind of heart complication of the system. By taking aspirin, you can improve the condition of vessels and to protect it.

Note: more than 100 mg of aspirin per day is not recommended.

Revenue for the lifting of the power

This drink allows you to increase the power to the house and you will feel the man in any situation. The ingredients that make up the drink you can buy in any grocery store. It includes three of the product, and the three seasonings:

  • 200-400 grams of root ginger (in powder form);
  • three lemon;
  • honey;
  • cinnamon;
  • the clove;
  • the nuts of nutmeg.

Prepare a decoction need during the night. Ginger, first you need to clean, then boil. After boiling turn off the heat, allow to cool to room temperature and top up if necessary water: must obtain two liters. Cooling ginger infusion injected juice of three lemons and their zest.

Note: it is not necessary to put in the infusion of the white film of lemons, because it is toxic. Better to gently remove the knife from lemon zest.

The broth brewed under the lid during a night. After the maceration, but also adds a tablespoon of cinnamon. According to your tastes, also add a clove to nutmeg. Everything is well blended. Drink after a meal twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. In any case, he can't drink on an empty stomach, especially if there are problems in the stomach. To the broth was the best taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey (preferably liquid).

how to increase the power

Kvass for the power

To raise the power to the house, you can prepare an old tool. Its base is kvass, but not to buy, and prepared at home. First of all, to make the leaven, and to do this you need the following ingredients:

  • 50 grams of raw yeast;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • the malt.

In three-liter jar is added a little raw yeast (about 50 grams) and 10 tablespoons of sugar. You can add and less the amount of sugar, but with a proportion of kvass, get a lot more richer. After this, you add three tablespoons of malt, and all filled with hot water. Its temperature should not exceed 60 degrees, otherwise the kvass just cooked, and the yeast will not work.

The kvass is well mixed and put in a warm place. In bulk, it will be in a period of three days. The first kvass is likely to have to pay, because he feels the yeast. Uno a lets only a certain amount of leaven (1-2 cups).

The teachings of kvass is actually a effective tool. For its preparation, need horseradish. It should be fresh, not canned. For the horseradish the better dissolved in the mouth, it is necessary to grate it. Grated horseradish is added to the kvass, and the last is kept in the dark of the capacity of at least a week, if this is found it should be in a place that is pretty cool.

The preparation of the dishes

On the basis of kvass with horseradish, you can prepare the dish under the name of a cold soup of bread, which will also increase the power to the house. With this dish, the young women were delighted with their husbands, to the energetic and tireless in love. Trangres travellers linked the existence of a large number of children in the family, it is with this dish.

For its preparation, in addition to kvass is still necessary, and black radishes. It can be grind in the mill. The black radish is also very much appreciated many years and has been regarded as a rich in nutrients. The cold soup is quite a simple dish. It only represents the diced rye bread with the addition of a few spoonfuls of sour cream. In a dish add a little salt, and add a radish. The radish will give the pungency of the dish. At the end add the kvass, and the dish can be considered ready.

This cold soup is very easy to digest and is especially good after the holidays, when nothing else does not want. It's triple effect: it nourishes, quenches thirst, and can increase sexual energy.

The baking soda

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is used in many fields. Use it to increase the potency, and it serves as a tool for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma of prostate. First of all, the soda cleans the drain in the pelvic region and increases the production of sildenafil secret. There are two forms of techniques of this tool: inside and outside (outlet valves).

folk remedies to the power


Contribution of bicarbonate of soda should not exceed a teaspoon, and first of all, you need to take seulement¼. It dissolves in a glass of warm water or milk, then in a saucepan brought to the boil, but not boiled. During the entire process of warming the drink to his need to stir, because in the contrary case, the baking soda will settle on the bottom and is not completely dissolved.

The solution is taken every day for 10 days. Drinking on an empty stomach in the morning 30 minutes before meals. A maximum of reception is one month.

Alkaline bath

An additional method of improving the erectile function is alkaline bath. It is taken before bedtime for the reason that very relaxing. A packet of bicarbonate of soda dissolved in three liters of boiling water. All carefully stirred, with the bottom sediment needs to be removed. The mortar is poured into the recruited bath, it is necessary to take a maximum of 30 minutes.

The particular plan

In the first place for the maintenance of male strength, you must eat enough protein, preferably, be of the animal protein. These include:

  • the fish;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products.

The meat used in this plan is not very suitable, because it is difficult to digest, and its splitting requires a greater amount of energy. If this happens because the man at a certain stage, it becomes less of animal products and feed exclusively on vegetable food, it will be a high protein deficiency. The semen of that person will be synthesized much more slowly, and the sexual desire in him will weaken.

After ejaculation (ejaculation) to form the sperm need a large enough number of proteins that the body immediately need to re-create lost of sperm. In addition, with the seminal fluid comes out of many micronutrients. This aspect is also necessary to take account of the varied options, it has a high probability of obtaining all the necessary. You can accept and special additives, containing micro - and macronutrients. Vitamins the most important are A and E, and trace elements of zinc.

A large number of zinc contained in nuts and seeds. These include:

  • ginger;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • walnuts and hazelnuts.

When vitamin D deficiency may occur a decrease in the production of the male sex hormone. This vitamin is synthesized by the body, but only in the presence of the light of the sun. In the winter periods, it is recommended to take, buying in pharmacies.


the plan of the power

Of course, in order to enhance the male power, you need to avoid alcohol and smoking, do sports, eat well, and generally lead a healthy life. However, not all of the want and can join. The modern medical industry, for a long time to help men achieve their goals by producing effective and not very expensive medicines.

Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions for use, because it has many contraindications. During the taking of stimulants to boost the power of the blood is sent in the organs of reproduction. Vision and hearing may fall, and palpitations, on the contrary, will be the most often. These pills can be extremely dangerous for the hypertensive and carrots, especially if in conjunction with them a man is taking medicines that contain nitrates.

Sometimes, the effect of the pill can be up to 36 hours, which is very dangerous. It is necessary to take for a general rule: the higher the dose received by the substance, less side effects of a drug. Side effects at least can deal with the dizziness and the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose.

Stimulants the strength of the men we cannot accept in this case, if the cause of erectile dysfunction or impotence is in obesity. They do not heal, but only cause a serious addiction. In many cases, the systematic use of incentives requires the strengthening of the processes in the prostate gland. If the men were in the habit of prostatitis, after their reception, it can quickly turn into the adenoma of the prostate.